MacMillan Coffee Afternoon
Friday, 30 September 2016
The World’s biggest yearly Coffee Morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer.
Strathburn Lodge hosted their own Coffee Afternoon and donations on the day are made to Macmillan cancer support.
All friends, families, colleagues and neighbours invited for the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon and cakes which took place at Strathburn Lodge.
This year again, Strathburn Lodge hosted their own Coffee Afternoon and collected £84.10 on the day and made donation to Macmillan. Having a Coffee Afternoon was the perfect chance to catch up over a cuppa and a slice of something delicious for a great cause.
There was also a price winning competition of “Guess the number of spots on the cake” and prize of £18 went to Lorraine Penman; daughter of a lodge resident Christina Penman.