Queen’s Birthday Celebrations
Sunday, 12 June 2016
The residents, visitors and staff were visited by this year’s Gala Queen Elisha Howitt and her entourage. Margaret Adsley was the lucky recipient of a glorious summer bouquet which she was delighted to receive on behalf of the care home.
Music and singing was led by the Ukulele band who went down a treat, they were kind enough to play an introduction ‘You are my Sunshine’ for the Queen even though the weather on the day was far from sunny!!!
The lively, cheery songs soon had everyone singing and clapping along with smiles aplenty including from those less physically able. The Queen and her princess’ enjoyed a dance or two much to the entertainment of the older generation watching their moves.
Afternoon tea was served after the performance (refreshments were much needed and appreciated!), Cucumber and egg mayonnaise sandwiches were served with cake; apple crumble muffins and meringues. The centre piece obviously being our fantastic home baked Birthday cake for her Majesty which we are all sure she would have been impressed with had prior commitments not prevented her from attending today.
We all certainly enjoyed the Birthday celebrations here in Abbotsford Cowdenbeath.
Many Happy returns yours Majesty